
At long last, it's here. It'd mean the world to me if you guys checked out my new story, "No Escape" (story link posted below). I think you guys will like this one, and I'm excited to finally release it. This one is quite the journey, and I honestly think it might be my best work yet. I've put a great deal of effort into this story, so I hope you guys enjoy it.


          	  oh, hey, it's been a while! how've things been? and tysm!


@BlitzyWolf hi blitzy!! glad to see you're proud of your work :] congrats on this fic 


At long last, it's here. It'd mean the world to me if you guys checked out my new story, "No Escape" (story link posted below). I think you guys will like this one, and I'm excited to finally release it. This one is quite the journey, and I honestly think it might be my best work yet. I've put a great deal of effort into this story, so I hope you guys enjoy it.


            oh, hey, it's been a while! how've things been? and tysm!


@BlitzyWolf hi blitzy!! glad to see you're proud of your work :] congrats on this fic 


New Kacchako one-shot is up. Yes, it's finally here, after the year-long wait. I figured it'd be nice for a change of pace, what with it being spring and all. This fic is purely fluff and silly shenanigans.
          However, in the near future, I'm planning on releasing my next actual story, and of course, it's filled with angst. Stay tuned for that. I'm genuinely going to try and post either weekly updates for it or once a week, then twice a week, then once a week, repeat. Let me just say that it's sure been a journey writing it.
          But for now, enjoy the wholesome break:


THE KACCHAKO ONE-SHOT IS FINALLY DONE. read the post below for more info. won't be announcing it's done until i've published it on wattpad.
          finally, that's one nearly-completed story i've wrapped up. i'm getting there, i'm getting there.


i'm finishing up the kacchako one-shot i started forever ago and have been almost done with for basically the same amount of time. i should have it published sometime this weekend, hopefully. i know, that's basically what i said when i first talked about it, but i swear i will actually try and do so this time. it'll be on ao3 first, and i'll release it a bit later on wattpad.
          this has absolutely no angst in it. it's just a silly little fluffy one-shot.


i just realized... you know what this means? i don't need to rate it as mature. there's no smut, no dark themes, no nothing. i thought i'd never see the day i posted another fic without a mature rating.


i can't express how annoying it is to see wattpad make the decision to remove pms, and i could go on and on for hours about it as well as all of wattpad's other problems, but with everything that's been happening over the years i've been on wattpad, i am still holding firm in what i said quite a while ago: if my account is terminated, i'm not starting again on wattpad. 
          if and when that day comes, you can find me on ao3 and ffnet for now. i've been considering other options, but it's just a hassle to reupload so much to yet another site and then continue to cross-post. especially when i have less time nowadays to haul everything over. but my username is the same on both sites. 
          i might make my account again on wattpad but have it ONLY be for announcements on new stories, with links to the other sites i'm on. idk if i'd provide direct links to my stories on ao3 since i wouldn't put it past wattpad to terminate my account again for doing that if the stories i'm directly linking to "violate wattpad's guidelines," even if they literally don't.
          so here you have my rough future for if and when my wattpad account gets terminated.


i think i might edit Honey because it's old and cringe, and it's not even 800 words, so it'll be fairly quick. then, i'll just throw it in Torment even though that's a book of one-shots for todoroki, who isn't in Honey. but i'll edit it to change the meaning and how it comes off on solely wattpad to "adhere to the guidelines" even though i didn't break any guidelines with that one-shot to begin with.
          or, i guess i could just change it to be todobaku on wattpad, and replace bakugou with todoroki so it isn't just a random bakudeku one-shot in my todoroki angst-shot book.
          "blitz you said it's not worth it to publish it again."
          i did say that. because it isn't worth it to republish such a crappy one-shot, and i do not want a notification to go out for that. however, if i edit it so that it's at least half-decent, it'll be more worth it, and it'll also be nice to know that this once-cringe one-shot was transformed into something that isn't great, but at *least* isn't nearly as cringe as before.


if this confuses you, the context is like 2 posts below this one.


how in the world did "Honey" get taken down for violating wattpad's policies??? that story was so incredibly obscured with metaphors. not that i liked the story, but seriously. i'm so over this crap. this is why i don't like writing on wattpad. i'll submit an appeal but this is absolutely ridiculous.


2 days later and wattpad hasn't sent out anything about my appeal so i'm just gonna assume they straight-up don't read appeals. i mean, i remember seeing somewhere that once they take a story down, they no longer have the material and cannot restore it, so...i don't think a story removal appeal is going to do anything, if that's true. and if that's the case, why is it even an option??


that's reassuring. no emails or messages about my appeal request when wattpad usually sends *something* right after you send in a ticket or request or whatever to let you know it went through. i sent the appeal on mobile and desktop.
            i don't really care if it never gets read and i never get the story back because it was super short, very cringe, no one read it anyway, and it's still available on ao3 and ffnet, but it'll really say something about wattpad if the appeal is never heard and/or the story remains taken down. basically, what i'm trying to say is that i don't care that this story in particular got taken down, but what i do care about is *why* it got taken down, if the appeal will be looked at at all, and what wattpad has to say about my appeal. because if you ask me, it got taken down for no reason. i don't know who reported it, but seriously. why? my friend, what could have bothered you so much about it that you felt the need to report an old, 1k word, trashy bnha bakudeku fanfic? what are you gaining? the story was about how self-destructive habits can be your downfall if they're left to fester anyway, there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing," and how warped one's perceptions can become to twist something awful for you into something "sweet" for you (still not meaning that what's awful for you is therefore good for you. no).
            "just republish it and edit some things like you usually do."
            i don't think this story is worth going through that much effort for. it's not even really a story. it's like a 1k word one-shot with horrible writing. and, again, it's still available on ao3 and ffnet. so if anyone's dying to read it for whatever reason, it'll be there. aka, whoever got my story taken down, you really didn't do much lol.


it's been ages since i've last posted an actual story and not a short story or some one-shots. however, i plan to release a new story shortly after i finish publishing House of Cards. i finally finished the cover after putting it off for forever, and i think you guys are going to like it (the story. not the cover. i can't make good covers if my life depends on it. but i do like the simple color scheme of this one. it's just red, black, and white. red is one of my favorite colors, so as much as i wanted to make the cover blue like normal, i thought i'd spice things up and go for red. too bad wattpad butchers the quality of all red things like 10x more than any other color).
          it also might have a sequel because i had an idea for the ending, but then i realized the story is over 100k words already and idk how long it'd take me to get to the ending i was going for (sneak peak into the timeline of things: my original ending idea is set to be when todoroki and his class is in college), so i might end up splitting it into two stories. maybe i'll do the overarching high school arc for book one and the college arc for book two. we'll see.
          so, as i've mentioned before, i plan to announce a teaser for the new story once all the chapters for House of Cards are published. or, once i finish writing them all. i'm still not done. i know. i'm so close to finishing literally like 4 stories, so i hop around between them.


…i also just realized that i've been saving all my covers as jpegs and not pngs, which is why the quality is extra crunchy on every single one of them except for Silhouette (which i JUST fixed) and the next story i'll be posting (the one i talked about in this original post). i can't fix any of my covers (with Silhouette being the only exception) because i didn't know that you could save the entire project file on the editing application i use until i made the (updated) cover for Silhouette. so, all my other covers are just doomed to be jpeg quality for the rest of eternity since i don't have the original project files for any of them (of course i still have files for the covers, but they're unable to be edited). only took me like 2.5 years of using this editing application to realize why the quality always got butchered so much despite saving my works at 100% quality. i'm so smart. but at least my future covers will all have a slight quality upgrade from now on, and that is especially noticeable whenever the color red is used. aka, fantastic for my upcoming story.


me: uses wattpad's schedule feature (aka the one good thing they've done for the platform in the past century).
            wattpad: *erases every single chapter i set up to schedule except for the last one, aka the chapter scheduled for tomorrow has been erased and would've been published as a blank freaking chapter if i didn't randomly check my scheduled updates because wattpad also straight-up lies and says they'll inform you 24 hrs before a scheduled chapter gets posted when they actually just don't notify you at all ever because i've never been notified for any of my scheduled chapters going up at any point ever*
            i love wattpad.