
Wanna Try something a little off the top. Check out this dark comedy style short story.


Hello, Mr. Bill Temple. I just wanted to thank you for your votes on my poetry book, Travel. It really means so much to me, and I also want to say that I am a big fan of your work. It is a pleasure to meet you again after a very few years. Again, thank you, sir, and have a nice day!


I have heard there are changes coming for content guidelines. Can anyone elaborate on this?


@BillTemple1957  From what I've caught, it's mostly focused on the character's age concerning consent
            Characters have to be 18+ in order to be able to be explicitly shown in certain scenes that might arouse the readers
            You can, however hint to that kind of scenes without going into details when the characters are younger, but you really have to remain vague
            I haven't yet read the changes more into depth, but it's basically the only thing they mentioned on the update page 


            I hope the share link highlights. 


Bill, are you back?!


@CarolinaC I pop in and out. tried writing a few things but with little success. Then I had this idea rattling around in my brain. So I just started writing, with no idea where I was going with this whole thing.