
Hi everyone. Can everyone please check out my new book 'How to get my girl,' which I'm entering for the HarlequinSYTYCW writing challenge. I would very much appreciate the votes and comments.


thank you for the follow :) hope you have a wonderful day filled with love, happiness and smiles ;D


Thank you for putting me on your follow list, I'm not a writer, I am an avid reader though and I wanted to say that I like your story The Royal Enemy. I admit I am into reading mostly SciFi and fantasy , but I also like to just pick a random book to read and see if I can get into it. So in saying that I am truly enjoying your story, it's refreshing I really like how you have Leo and Jules struggle with their relationship. Anyway keep up the good work. 


Hi there! Sparxs here; Writing Extrodinaire. Lol I'm lying... But I would REALLY appreciate it if you could read my novel PKY2 and tell me what you think? If there' s anythign you want me to read I would SOO return the favour! THANKS!


@SparxsII ur story sounds really intresting, I would love to read, unfortunately I don't have the time right now, have GCSEs and got to study..I will try and read it in summer... hopefully by then u will have written more. looking forward to it. thanx