
College is time-consuming, y'all. Whew
          	More stuff in the pipeline... I just might need to graduate before I can finish it lol


Three years, two versions, and one whole rewrite later, and I'm proud to announce the official completion of Sugar and Spice.
          In fact, Sugar and Spice is being rebranded! After all of the work I've done, I've decided the title doesn't fit it as well anymore. Sugar and Spice is the same story, but will be under a new title.
          In a moment, you will have the chance to read the best version of my first book, now titled: Her First Mistake.
          Thanks to everyone who read Sugar and Spice and supported me on this journey. Now I hope you will enjoy Her First Mistake just as much, if not more.


'Tis the beginning of the holidays! I hope everyone has a wonderful winter season! :)
          I've mentioned before that I've been working on a Christmas novel. However, it is not anywhere near to ready, despite being in the works for a year. Hopefully it will be ready for next holiday season.
          But just to give you guys a taste, enjoy the small teaser below :)
          'Tis the season to be jolly! However, unfortunately for the nine vacationers, a snowstorm traps them in the Mountain Getaway. Communication is cut off, and likely will remain out for days. But their Christmas vacation takes a dark turn when one worker at the Mountain Getaway is found dead -- murdered. Of the varied guests, everyone has the timing and apparently has the motive. 
          So in this Christmas Who-Dunnit, who pulled the trigger? And who could be next?
          *Coming (hopefully) in December 2023*


Big news!
          Fallen Feathers has officially been completed.
          This is big because, well, I have been writing it for 2.5 years. It is, by far, my biggest writing project. 
          However, because I started it so long ago, the first chapters are poor. My writing back then was pretty bad. I like to think I'm okay now, but those first chapters are just sad, lol.
          So it will take me a few weeks to fix them. 
          As soon as they're done, Fallen Feathers will begin posting.
          Have a lovely night, folks! :)


@BerryButterfly11 congrats! finishing a long project is always awesome!


@BerryButterfly11 congratulations! It's a huge accomplishment to finish a story :)