
Hello everyone who has been following my story. I apologize for having dropped it for so long. I will not make excuses, I just got lazy and felt that my writing was not that great. But for the sake of those of who liked the book, I will endeavour to finish it.


@LiziSullivan Thank you so much! It feels great to know that someone likes my writing :D


@Belladonna233 for what it's worth, I think that you writing is awesome X)


Hello everyone who has been following my story. I apologize for having dropped it for so long. I will not make excuses, I just got lazy and felt that my writing was not that great. But for the sake of those of who liked the book, I will endeavour to finish it.


@LiziSullivan Thank you so much! It feels great to know that someone likes my writing :D


@Belladonna233 for what it's worth, I think that you writing is awesome X)


1st- I love your book
          2nd- you need to update your book
          3rd- if you don't update soon I will find out where you live and eat all of your food.
          4th- Then if you don't update again I will hold my breathe until you do!! My death will be on your hands then >:)


First off, I'M SOOOO SORRRYYY!!!! I know that it;s been months since my last update and that there is no excuse good enough to make up for it so instead I will only promise you that I have begun work on the next chapter. I've already got the whole story planned out, I just go to write it all down. So once again, sorry for the wait and I promise an update within the next few days ^_^