
Some of you are really gonna hate the new chapter of TLP


@Bella1Rose1Weasly Can you pls tell me who she ends up with at the end of you already know.


Some of you are really gonna hate the new chapter of TLP


@Bella1Rose1Weasly Can you pls tell me who she ends up with at the end of you already know.


Hello everyone. I am more than aware that it has taken me ages to write the new chapter. I have a reason. My significant other got into a very bad car accident last week and was left in critical condition. Obviously, I have had the worse week of my life; I've spent nights weren't I couldn't close my eyes in fear that they wouldn't open theirs another day and mornings when I couldn't get out of bed to do anything. It's been a hard week for everyone around me and especially for the person that I love. I have had absolute no chance to do anything but try to keep my head. I love you all, and I hope you can all understand why I haven't updated in a while. 
          Much Much love, Bells.