
       Hi everyone!
          	       I hope you all check out the new book I am making called ‘Letters to You’. So far, I have finished the first chapter but, will take me a while to finish the second chapter considering I’m a perfectionist and I am working a lot so I barely have time to make any books but, I’m slowly doing so (staying up till one in the morning everyday doing so lol). Please let me know what you all think of the book if you do end up reading it.
          	       Thank you so much 
          	       || L i n n e t t e ||


       Hi everyone!
                 I hope you all check out the new book I am making called ‘Letters to You’. So far, I have finished the first chapter but, will take me a while to finish the second chapter considering I’m a perfectionist and I am working a lot so I barely have time to make any books but, I’m slowly doing so (staying up till one in the morning everyday doing so lol). Please let me know what you all think of the book if you do end up reading it.
                 Thank you so much 
                 || L i n n e t t e ||


Omg, I absolutely LOVE your bio! I feel like you and I would get along wonderfully! The part where you mentioned watching the seven seasons of a tv show and getting no sleep describes me XD. Also, your location, a Twenty One Pilots quote, love it! I hope we can be friends Linn❤❤


@Being_A_Linnette Thank you so much! And yay! Haha, thank you!


Awe thx! I love your pen name and sure!


          So I know it's Sunday but Ahhhh! Grease Live on Fox everyone!!!
          Did y'all see it! It was amazing! There were some parts I yelled at and also some I got excited.
          Did anyone recognized who played Vi on Grease Live? 
          Shout out to Vanessa Hughes for doing an AMAZING job on singing "That's The Worst Thing I Could Do". I literally cried through the whole thing.
          Carly Ray did amazing along with Julianne Hough and Carlos PegaVega and everyone else who cast in Grease Live.
          You too Jessie J!
          Okay enough of my fangirling! I hope you all enjoyed watching it!


@Being_A_Linnette Hahaha, never mind xD


Hey everyone! It's Linn! So I am writing to talk about my books. So all my books are on hold except for two due to writers block.
          I hate writers block.
          Anyways one of my books Seeing Double got changed to When You're Seeing Double. I just thought Seeing Double was just a plain title. And I might change the book My stupid bad boy. I need ur guys' opinions.
          Please help with that! I'd like your opinions!
          Thank you!


Hi guys, I I don't really write on this but here I go. So I haven't written much on my books but that is due to writers block. Other than that I go to school "because it's the law". So I have no choice. If I did I would be at home, on here, all day. Anyways, I am up, wide awake, at 11:06 PM when I have to wake up at 4:45 for school... It's like great... But yeah! I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading.