
I was told by Wattpad to share with every one that it's my birthday. so here I am, telling you it's my birthday :-)


@FallenNightHuntress Happe Berthaday~~!! :D Have a nice day :3


Hello! I wrote a book about Vampire...If you are interested then please check it out and leave a vote it would really help me. It's the first ever book I wrote so I am really looking forward to your opinion!

          And I don't know if I am allowed to promote here or not so please feel free to ignore my messege if it's disturbing. Thanks for reading it anyway. I appreciate it!!!


Hi, I just wanted to let you know I so love your book 'married by elvis...' well, you know which one. I believe it was one of the first student/teacher and English books I've read and I so loved it. Now I don't know when it was, but I can tell that it was so long time ago. I couldn find it in my librar and it took me like two hours to find that how I tried to remember the name and now I am so laughing how could I forget it??? So I'm gonna say I love your book, thanks your writing ;) sorry if there's any mistakes in my message, not native english speaker :D


your welcome. I really love this story. About the questions I dunno about that. I like this ending but I am curious about how ended Sean, Ana and Jake's friend (whose name I suddenly forgot, even thought I've read the book again yesterday). It would be so cool if they had ending but than it wouldn't make sense if they haven't been with someone from the story and there's not much other characters, so I decided to not ask it. I just got bored to write this long replay, I guess :D
            It's hard not to considering I am sitting in PCroom in class and listening to Work form Home :DDD
            I totally would NOT pass for the best student of the year, even if I would be alone here.
            So I just hope you will try to return to writing even thought school is often too much to handle ;) (says the girl who has to pass the exam from latin, and yeah we have weird school enough to learn us speak and translate latin)
            I am gonna say Good morning to ya, as I guess you will read this morning. I really love your writing, books and profile photo. Hope I didn't bore you to death with this (hahaha)


@Archangelsdaughter That means so much to me, tahnk you!! Yes, I wrote it I wanna say 4-5 years ago? Sadly I haven't written in a long time, but I'd like to go back and completely revamp MBE at some point. Though college has gotten the better of me. 
            Please let me know if you'd like any questions answered (How the characters are doing etc). Have a good day! (It's nighttime here, so have a good night to me, right? haha)


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Hey guys, I need an editor. Anyone up to the task? I'd like you to edit the story I'm working on currently, and the stories I've already uploaded. Once I have a huge chuck on time (I'm going out of the country so I've got 23 hours to kill!) I'm going to work on re writing The Girl Who Doesn't Exist, and if I can get a better ending for that one, I might delete The Girl Who Is Lost (But I might not!) So anyway. Please let me know :D


Hey guys, I just wanted to keep you up to date. I am currently changing The Girl Who is Lost around, to make it better. It was my New Years resolution to finish this dang book haha. I am super sorry about being horrible on writing it, I had surgery on my ankle, and pretty much lay in bed reading all day (Only recently have I started to walk again) 
          Anyway, I love you guys for sticking around, and just know that I'll always love you!