
Hi readers!
          	This weekend's chapter of Push went up early on Saturday. 
          	I know some readers were hoping for another update on my usual Sunday time. While that was the chapter for this weekend, I am happy to say, there is a mid-week update coming! 
          	I think some of you have been waiting for this reveal... And gosh, it's been a LONG time coming, right? 
          	I had been devoting a lot of my spare time getting Lola's story ready for publication. I'm hopelessly behind and completely overthinking that project, so I'm throwing a bit of extra attention to Push while I work through my creative demons. 
          	Look forward to seeing the comments mid-week... Teehee. 
          	❤️ Aubrey


@AubreyWhitten thank you! Tonight or tomorrow, I’m just happy for more reading! 


@DamselDarkness feel better soon! ❤️ I’m literally editing it now. Hoping to get it up tonight…. Eek!


@AubreyWhitten I am in the midst of battling a chest cold, so a midweek update sounds great right now! 


Hi readers!
          This weekend's chapter of Push went up early on Saturday. 

          I know some readers were hoping for another update on my usual Sunday time. While that was the chapter for this weekend, I am happy to say, there is a mid-week update coming! 
          I think some of you have been waiting for this reveal... And gosh, it's been a LONG time coming, right? 
          I had been devoting a lot of my spare time getting Lola's story ready for publication. I'm hopelessly behind and completely overthinking that project, so I'm throwing a bit of extra attention to Push while I work through my creative demons. 
          Look forward to seeing the comments mid-week... Teehee. 
          ❤️ Aubrey


@AubreyWhitten thank you! Tonight or tomorrow, I’m just happy for more reading! 


@DamselDarkness feel better soon! ❤️ I’m literally editing it now. Hoping to get it up tonight…. Eek!


@AubreyWhitten I am in the midst of battling a chest cold, so a midweek update sounds great right now! 


When will you launch your website? Hoping to continue reading the stories that you took from the site!


@Fearless__Queen Hi. My website is, but I also have a Facebook page. Links are in my profile here. ❤️


@AubreyWhitten OK thanks for the update..what's your website link? Hoping to read them soon!


Hi! My website is up, but my two stories I took off Wattpad aren’t ready for publishing just yet. Lola’s story has had me in knots for weeks… I’m behind schedule for where I thought I’d be in June ❤️ As soon as Lola is done, Maya & Charlie will be a month or two after that. I will have a new (shorter) story starting on Wattpad once Push is complete too.


Loved the new update, for me it was one of the best, very touching. Really brought tears to my eyes, I love these two so much. Can’t wait to read more and see them take mom and the other two down in court. Expose it all! Great chapter! 


@happyga30 Thank you so much! This is one of my fave chapters too. I like it much better when Toby and Gwen are on the same page fighting for each other. We've got a few big chapters coming up soon! Sweet moments but also... dun dun dun... karma time ;) ❤️


          A new (and super incredibly long) chapter of Push went live last night.

          Some of you know I had a conundrum last week about story direction. I was going to post a long as heck Author's Note, but I'm never sure how much insight readers want into the creative process, so decided to leave it. 
          But, for those interested, I didn't drop my original bomb. I've decided to let a certain subplot drift into an unrequited crush that's never acted on. 
          So, what was the bomb that I didn't explode...? A kiss for Gwen.
          I know some readers were really hoping for Gwen to have the ultimate revenge, but so late in the story, it just didn't work anymore. Originally when I plotted Push, the order was different. In response to feedback early on -- some pretty harsh! -- I shifted everything around. The kiss made total sense earlier in the book where it was originally planned to appear. This late in the book, though? Yikes!
          I hope no one is too disappointed and I'm sorry if you were one of my readers who was hoping for this for Gwen. 
          On that note, we're officially on the home stretch! The drama is starting to ramp up and lots of reveals will be hitting over the next few weeks.
          Thanks so much for reading. You guys make this great. ❤️
          ❤️ Aubrey


Agreed! I’ve been loving their journey of finding their way back to each other. Even though it’s angsty, the way Toby and Gwen are grounded in each other balances that out. They’re trying together now and it wouldn’t have felt right. 


I’m glad you decided not to go that route. It does seem a little too late in the story and it would’ve almost felt like it put them back at the beginning after all the work they’ve done to get here. Gwen might not have had revenge in that sense, but with the way you’ve built it so far, that doesn’t mean Toby doesn’t understand her hurt and hasn’t suffered for what he’s inflicted on her. And honestly, I feel like it would’ve really pushed Gwen almost to the edge too, when she’s already in quite a fragile state. So yes, I’m happy with your creative choices!


You made the right choice! I am usually all for the h getting a little something for herself after a betrayal, but for this story and these characters, I don’t think it was needed.  Toby already grasps the magnitude of what he did, what he lost and the damage he caused.  I don’t think Gwen getting a kiss would have done anything except muddy the waters unnecessarily. 


Morning readers,  
          Push updated last night. If the chapter feels like it ended in a slightly odd place... It did. I'm not editing as much as I used to, so the chapters are a much longer read... But also... 
          There's a bomb that I've set up for the Sunday lunch and I'm just not sure I can set it off. I was a bit of a wuss and delayed it for another week to decide if I can REALLY do it. I've thought for a couple of weeks now I can't, and I need to re-write the scene. Some of you may guess what it is... *insert shifty eyes emoji here* hehe
          I shall agonize over it until next update ;)
          ❤️ Aubrey


@Blobbierobbie I actually ended up removing the bomb completely! I might post for people to chat about it. It was a really tough call. But thank you so much for commenting and reading ❤️❤️❤️


@AubreyWhitten  I say go with your original idea. You are a fantastic writer. We all make comments because we get so involved with the story but we want your vision!


@Jess-Loza Hi Jess! Thanks for the follow ❤️ I’m running behind on Lola & Aiden as I’ve let myself get bogged down in touching up a few scenes… AGAIN.  I will be doing an ARC, I think. No firm dates yet, but still hopefully June. 


Happy May!  
          Where the heck is this year going? Time is screaming by.
          Push will continue with (at least) weekly updates through May and into early June. 
          We are nearing the end now, but there's still more story to tell. There's one sub-plot element I am very, very close to dropping which is going to disappoint some readers (eek) but my Gwen needs to stay true. ❤️ 
          LOLA & AIDEN
          I'm getting closer and closer to releasing Lola & Aiden's story on Amazon. 
          I don't want to clog up everyone's notifications here on Wattpad, so if you're interested in the reveals --- new title, blurb, cover and release date --- I have a Facebook page you can stalk (link in my bio) and my website will go up around mid-May.
          LOST SUMMER
          Thanks to everyone who gave my little rom-com a chance. Lost Summer is now offline, but will be heading to Amazon later this year. 
          I hope the month treats you all well. To my friends in the northern hemisphere heading into summer, you cannot believe how jealous I am of you right now... LOL
          ❤️ Aubrey


@AubreyWhitten I can't wait for you to publish to amazon or really anywhere.  I hate this site and all the advertisements that interrupt the story!  Looking forward to buy your books!  TY for these great stories!


@AubreyWhitten yeah, it’s crazy! Almost half a year gone.
            Definitely! Back in my fan-fiction writing days, I remember the excitement of getting comments and interacting with people about my work. Was definitely the best part 


@DamselDarkness I can't even fathom that it's May. I honestly don't know where the year is going. Thanks for following me on FB! I'm glad I'll still somewhere to chat with you all (hopefully!). The comments are the best part of writing sometimes :D


Hi everyone,
          Sorry for the message spam this week. 
          Just a gentle reminder that Lost Summer is going offline TODAY --- just a few hours left to read my one and only romcom here on Wattpad. 
          Push will update as scheduled on Sunday. 
          ❤️ Aubrey


@fentonlj Thank you so much for reading it. ❤️ It's a bit different to my usual tales of woe, but the romcoms can be so much fun! It will be coming back to KU later this year after I get Lola and Aiden's story up. And, yep, I do have a story mapped out for Mitch! He is much beloved around these parts. It would be a crime not to find him a lady that can handle all his grump ;)


Hi Aubrey I finally finished thank you so much for keeping it up longer for me I really appreciate it, I love the story and Charlie and maya, please tell me Mitch’s story is coming soon because I would love him to have his own story plus it would be great to more of Charlie and Maya, sorry your removing the story would have loved to read it again, now I’ll go and read the push update 


Thx your the best have to say love this story it’s different from your other ones but it’s great and very funny 


I wish you luck going forward with your books. You are perfectly entitled to be protective of your work after all it is you who has put in the hard work for it and it is criminal that unscrupulous people are stealing it and financially profiting from it. To be honest I would be very happy if all the authors I am following here moved to Amazon. I will gladly pay to read the completed stories and you certainly are one of those authors


@Therese097 Thank you so much, Therese ❤️ I feel really powerless about the thefts, but I'll keep plugging away and figure out some options. KU is looking good ❤️