
So, The Order of Dragonfire is now complete. Perhaps I'll post an epilogue to let you all know what happened after that ending, but for now I'll begin the heavy editing. Please let me know what you think!


Hi everyone. As you may have noticed, Dragonfall is on an indefinite hiatus. Whilst I was originally excited to write about The Order of Dragonfire's backstory, I am currently far too preoccupied with writing the final chapters for OoD to give Dragonfall the attention it requires. As such I will be finishing the first draft of The Order of Dragonfire and then resuming work on Dragonfall whilst I edit it. I may make some small updates to it before then, but there won't be a huge amount. The Order of Dragonfire, on the other hand, will continue to receive regular updates and edits. Thank you for your continued support, and as always I value any feedback you may have.


Hi everyone. Thanks for your continued and invaluable support. Exciting times are coming with The Order of Dragonfire, but before these next few chapters come along I'm going to be reviewing and editing up the earlier ones. Expect the new chapter within the next few days, and minor improvements in the mean time if you have the inclination to reread the story so far.