
I am Kim Curameng also known as Apollo Psyche. Let us take a little briefing about myself, let's start with my age, so forth and so on.
So I'm already 16 years of age expected to get old every 10th of Nov. Have numbers of sisters and a daughter of my loving parents. I'm a nice, serious and silent type of person but can be jolly and enthusiastic sometimes.

I wrote stories not because its one of my hobbies, I wrote stories because I want to express my feelings, thoughts, and own opinion through writing. It is how I deliberate my true attitude and how I see things by creating my own world.

The name: Apollo Psyche
As you can see, Apollo is a Greek God of Greek Mythology actually Apollo is the God of music, that's why I chose his name because music is my life while Psyche is Immortal. I chose her because her husband Eros is the God of love but yeah I'm a girl so instead of Eros, I chose Psyche because of her Uniqueness. And their character traits also describes me.
  • Manila Quezon City Philippines
  • JoinedMarch 2, 2015

Story by ProjectAP