
Geez I hate myself sometimes. I just can't take the book forwards u know? I feel like ... I dunno. Just sad cuz I can't do it. It feels like others do it so easily and this is my sad attempt at showing what I love and I can't even do that. So .....
          	Peace out


@Annieoktot dont be sad bubba :'((


Geez I hate myself sometimes. I just can't take the book forwards u know? I feel like ... I dunno. Just sad cuz I can't do it. It feels like others do it so easily and this is my sad attempt at showing what I love and I can't even do that. So .....
          Peace out


@Annieoktot dont be sad bubba :'((


I have always wondered if it was possible to have sex in space. If so would it be really slow because of the lack of gravity? Would you even be able to touch without floating away? Would you even have privacy away from the others in space with you? Would those in the stations on the earth know if you were having sex because they monitor everything? Would it take up too much oxygen? Would the aliens be able to see? Too many questions...


@georgesmcbibby same tbh. You have to admit you must have thought about whether it's possible or not 


@Annieoktot i worry for your brain sometimes 