
For my Bungou Stray Dogs Fan Fiction, I decided to unpublish it until I believe the story is complete.
          	It's not going to go away, not any time soon, but it will make a re appearance on here!


I have decided that it'll probably be a good idea to write stories one at a time. Since writing multiple stories at once with a full time job tends to make me forget about certain plot elements I want to write in, and tends to make me rush myself.
          Don't worry, all the stories that were up and now gone will eventually resurface, most likely with a face lift, but they'll be back.
          Thank you all who took their time to follow and to actually read my stories (they sort of suck) and I hope to see you around when the new story gets posted!


I had the idea of having two versions of The Sand Dollar Princess. One that's the fan fiction that I'm currently writing.
          And an original with all new names and possibly new chapters. 
          What do you think. If you haven't, check out Sand Dollar Princess! 


I made some changes to the Attack on Titan fanfiction
          • it's no longer a x reader. It never really was. . . I don't know exactly why I said that
          • I deleted one chapter due to it having absolutely no relevance to the overall plot
          • A true book 2 for A New Companion will be in the works


@Denn_T_RiverLeap Hey! We have to talk later! I haven't seen you in a while!


Yay! I’m glad you’re still writing on here. (I just reopened the app after a long time)


I'M CONTINUING THE BOOK!! YAAAAY!!!! There's too many in answered questions that might need clearing up. . . I hope you enjoy! 
          And also, I'll just work on this one for now. So I can ACTUALLY STAY FOCUSED. Happy reading my peeps!!!


*when there's a typo* 
             UNanswered questions. . . Please forgive my fat fingers