
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. :D


le sigh...FLUFFLE HAS FINALY FINISHED HER QUEST TO FIND THE AMAZING ARTIST THAT DREW THIS ART, 2B IS NOW FLUFFLE'S SENPI~ (sempi? Sempi? Senpi? senpi? FDK any more! xD) 2B~Senpi is amazing at art! 


Finally found me? Okay? Makes me wonder where you first saw my art if it wasn't on my profile on DA or Wattpad. Huh. Well anyway, thanks. ^w^
            (Also, you nearly had it spelled right the first time, just forgot the 'a' before the 'i.' :])


Ooooh boy- my classes start tomorrow. I was hoping to get a lot of things done before hand, but that seemed to be very difficult when you have 19 different things to be working on (at least it's down to 12 things now). :/
          I'm just hoping that the classes won't dump so much work on me at the start so, that way, I can get some things done for you guys.


Well, I just woke up from a weird dream. The dream started with Mini recording some weird horror/survival game where if you get in any of the monsters range of sight you have a few seconds to run, before they finish transforming, to hide. If you fail then they'll charge at you and kill you. I'm not sure what you had to do to survive, but whatever the objective was it was difficult to complete before being killed. While Mini was recording that, in his usual recording room, I was taking care of his three cats- that he doesn't have irl- in a place that looked really similar to my house. I didn't even see Sparky anywhere in my dream. Anyway, all the cats were acting like spoiled brats and I gave them treats to calm them down. Their treats were just random shapes of different colors and they looked and felt like foam. The biggest cat liked the blue cubes while the smallest like the small red squares. I'm not sure what the last one likes, but it doesn't matter. Once I finished feeding them, Mini thanked me for helping take care of the cats and then I woke up.


Okay, since it's almost the end of the year, the yearbook team- or staff- I'm not sure which, put posters around the school trying to get people to buy yearbooks. There are some posters that have someone on it with the yearbook photoshopped into their hand with a little caption saying "So-and-so has a yearbook. Why don't you?" When I was walking to my class, and talking to my friend, I saw a familiar face out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and looked at the poster. "VanossGaming has a yearbook. Why don't you?" ... I am not joking. That was a poster at my school. I'm gonna go and take a picture of it tomorrow morning. XD


So... Lovely story for yah... Okay... So, I live in an area that can get humid and hot. Which, means... A lot of bugs... And heat. I have a desk in my room that has my computer, drawing stuff, etc. and I need to crawl under the desk in order to unplug my laptop. I'm usually paranoid when I do that because we got cockroaches and other bugs often in the house. So, I was looking around and I see a small dot 'floating' in the air. I got the flashlight to see what it was... It was a spider... and I found another one... and another one... and a few webs... I got the vacuum and got rid of them... And being the paranoid person that I am, I investigated my room. There was a spider on my roof, a cobweb in a corner of my bedroom, and a few webs on my stuff (collectables/meaningful stuff) that sits on a shelf above my desk... I found that in order, and I didn't find out about the webs on the shelf until my forehead touched one... I'm not sure if I can sleep comfortably tonight. o.o
          ... I... hate... spiders... even more than bugs, which I already hate.


Omigosh! I never knew you have a Wattpad account! I look at your drawings everyday and I'm amazed at how awesome and beautiful they are! :D


            Huh... Weird... It could be many things that can be causing a problem... Maybe try making a different account and see if the problem continues. If it does continue then who in the world knows what the issue is.


@OneDirectionZillas I've tried... Many times. But maybe it's just my internet connection or something...


            Oh, have you tried changing the email that you use for your account to a different email?