
*tries to ease self back into writing by echoing horror stories before Halloween*


@AnInnocentBystander Argh, you mean Blue Meanie!


@Emiloo That's okay. I'll tap my clawed fingers against your skin and communicate in morse code!


@AnInnocentBystander Oh no, he did not. Nonononono *hands on ears, eyes shut tight* I am not hearing anything, lalalalalalalalalalalalalala


Can you plz plz plz do more knights case files?  I love it so much


I can understand life getting hectic, I turned 14 today, August 13, and it's my last b-day in the town I was born and raised in my entire life before I move.  I had so many people I grew up with crying and everything.  Plz don't push yourself just to make me and the others happy, it's your life, and you deserve to live your normal life before you go back to your alter-ego as an amazing author!


@Carson21G Oh God, so sorry for the late reply.  I've really been meeting to update it but life's just been hectic :)) Uhh, how about trying out The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher? It's not on Wattpad but it was pretty much my inspiration for Knight Casefiles and you might like it! :D


@MGreyson (One month later... HAHAHA) Ooh, I should try that. It usually takes me 2 hours as well here but I usually spend it sleeping hahaha.
            I work in drug policy now haha. Soooo with our new President who seems to be bent on destroying our rule of law and justifying the deaths of everyone who's ever used illegal drugs in our country...I kind of have my hands full :))
            Well, I can respect that. So, if not inspiration or passion, what spurs you to create art? Like, we always hear these stories of how characters and stories and pieces are drawn up because an artist or author comes upon something that inspires them into creation (like how Lin-Manuel Miranda randomly decided to write Hamilton after picking up a book about the guy while on a vacation). What spurs you into creating? :))


@MGreyson Same tbh. I was not prepared for all the responsibility of adulthood and work sapping the energy out of my writing, haha. Re: your views on art, different how? :))
          I haven't even been reading on here. Like, the only reason I went back online is because of email notifications where you and a few other people messaged me and then I felt guilty hahaha. What would you recommend to have me read on here? I am in dire need of a creativity boost haha


@MGreyson Do iiiiit. Tumblr should have an art community you can tap into the same way I've tapped into the attractive gay community HAHA. I'm starting to like tumblr as a platform better because the entire interface and mechanism is just so low-cost, high-reward for my procrastination, haha. Though I have to admit, I miss long-form writing :)) Anyway, I've missed bugging you too. What did I miss?