Self-Declared Story Fine-Tuner.
You probably won't find any stories coming from me any time soon.

Likes: Music, music, arting, literature, music, ice cream, playing keyboard, vegetating, painting, soft things, shiny things, darkness, wind, water, the moon, the stars, sweets, things that keep my mind not-bored, complete and total freedom, objective decisions

Dislikes: physical activity, excessive or blinding morning sunlight, brussel sprouts, entertaining guests, busy schedules, being dictated to, fire, dirt, bugs of all kinds (WAIT! except for butterflies... and ladybugs...), red meat, the fact that I don't have complete and total freedom, legal procedures and paperwork, knowing that someday there will probably be no place or patch of Earth left untouched by humankind, the sound of metal forks scraping on metal bowls, taking the lead, following

Extremely afraid of: hypodermic needles, surgical procedures, most doctors, large spiders, stinging insects and arachnids, and my grandparents on my mother's side (They killed a piano with an axe, and other things besides. They deserve my fear, loathing, and distrust)
  • The Exotic Land of Nonuf Yourbeeswax
  • JoinedMarch 19, 2011
