
Hey, I was wondering why you didn't do the Kamen rider Ghost cameo episode in Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers?


@Ken0060 Thanks! Believe me, I have plenty ideas for more fanfics in the PR universe (some of which continue off or connect to Zoo-Keepers) so stay tuned even if it ends up being a while.


Oh ok
            I would have liked to seen him tho, in my opinion I would have called him "Masked Rider Polter"
            But other than that, Zoo-Keepers is a really good book and I can't wait to see what your next story will be :D


I am writing my own Zyuohger adaption. Each half will probably have more than 22 episodes. I need your help with the fight scenes and writing the story. I of course have my own ideas and will put in my own work. I made an original secondary antagonistic faction, I want to make them just as amazing without overshadowing the Japanese villains. I will start out mostly like Zyuohger, but with deviate later. as the 2 villainous factions interact.


Serena is more cautious and more like what most adults think is acceptable, but she gets better as it goes on. She used to panic and run when there was danger, but since first becoming a Ranger, she is the most level-headed on the team like she is at other times, but she still finds it difficult to express strong emotions. 
            Diego aspires to be a zoologist and is currently struggling to learn about the new and supernatural things of the universe and much as nature. Diego knows a lot about animals and nature like Eddy, but Diego knows much more. 
            Eddy is a superfan. He is like me, emotional, seeks freedom for all, and hates to be surrounded by idiots and/or downers and people who think harmless things are wrong, overly wreckless, or stupid. He and Diego want to be heroic vigilantes like most Rangers and Riders but Eddy and Serena's dad doesn't approve. Their mother however is supportive but still cautious, like a mix of Eddy and Serena's personalities, but more mature.


Power Rangers Wild Prime takes place during 2023.
            I will include the zords, weapons, villains, and monsters from that series, but I will also include the Rangers having abilities and skills based on the 5 senses, nonsense, and common sense. My series will also incorporate facts about animals, pollution, ecology, and human-animal relationships.
            This is an anniversary replacing Cosmic Fury, with appearances of legendary Rangers, their allies, their enemies, and former enemies. In addition to that, I'm going to include them talking to animals, regular and anthropomorphic. Sela will come later for something new so don't worry.
            I also wanted one of the main characters to be a big Power Rangers superfan. I also thought of the fact that people, even some Rangers, give humankind too much credit. It must be addressed that regardless of the number of heroes, villains, monsters, and aliens in this universe there are probably still people who don't believe any of it at all. Diego was like that before the series. 
            The Feral Raiders are surplus-killing animals. I also partly based them on Bowzock from Carranger. They want to conquer, NOT destroy, the world as they believe it's the best way to have the freedom to take and eat whatever they want. Also, their leaders and many of their members are either smart or have average intelligence, but some are still idiots just like the monsters. I will also include a villain connected to the human protagonists, but I'll leave that a surprise. The space pirate will come later.
            The Khanku Poachers are based on the Dethgaliens. I will have the game part of the blood game more clear. Naria will be more active. Master Genus is like his Sentai counterpart but also like Christopher McLean from Total Drama.
            As for Mario, I liked a mentor who did not know the Rangers' identities. Mario won't know for the 1st season. Mario is a mentor for them. Argus is a trainer, but he will mostly be a mentor for Eddy. Argus and Eddy will have important roles.


Thank you. If you look at my Author's Notes at the end of the chapters in my adaptation, you can see what I have planned, and getting transcripts of the morphed fight scenes would be good. I already started and it's on my page.


Have you considered adapting another sentai series? You’re quite good at it! I just hope you have a better name for it this time.


@AmericanElephant Oh, it still seems like a working title for some reason


@01188E It's possible I'll get bored enough to try it, I suppose, but if I ever do ToQger it won't be anytime soon. Also, said ancient powers come from ZOOmans. So the Zoo-Keeper name has a double meaning, as it's zookeepers keeping the memory and powers of Zoomans alive.


@AmericanElephant Also I hope you adapt ToQger.


Hey man loved your power rangers stories


Absolutely it makes me wish your story was the actual power rangers adaptation for zyuohger on tv


@supertron123 Thank you! It's nice to get feedback on them.