
My dad said enjoy hell, I said see ya there ;)


GUESS WHO CHEATED? MY BOYFRIEND! I haven't been updating because my boyfriend cheated, lied, hurt me, and ignored me. He threatened me and my friends repeatedly. The story is off plot but I am doing a force lemon soon, a friend of mine requested it. Check out my poetry, if you want. I left him, he hurt me so much. You know what? Who needs a relationship I have anime, manga, and pocky. I'm good, now excuse me while I cry.


I'm back! I was taking a little brake because of exams, but I passed most of mine advanced! Yay! Well anyone up for an rp right now? Well I haven't told people this but, I really like FNAF and in my group of friends I'm Chica the chicken! Oh and my boyfriend, yeah he's Bonnie... Well if anyone would like to rp...