
Can't wait to post Part III of my The Walking Dead Our Universe book Stay Tuned!


@AlmonBarylski I got it
          	  And thank you for part III


@Erenshaie I have a spin off book that explains what happened to Eric ect, it also explains more about the CAF:Cuban Armed forces and the IMF Italian Military Forces. And goes on about the Whole war ect, it will all tie into this book as well and lead up to one of the biggest Storylines I've ever cooked up in writing anything (I've written elsewhere)


Can't wait to post Part III of my The Walking Dead Our Universe book Stay Tuned!


@AlmonBarylski I got it
            And thank you for part III


@Erenshaie I have a spin off book that explains what happened to Eric ect, it also explains more about the CAF:Cuban Armed forces and the IMF Italian Military Forces. And goes on about the Whole war ect, it will all tie into this book as well and lead up to one of the biggest Storylines I've ever cooked up in writing anything (I've written elsewhere)


Who's ready for Part III? There are so many things nobody knows about this book or what's about to happen! Is anybody even prepared? I mean, only time will tell
          Just know this is where it's all going to Unfold Part I and Part II are just a warmup. I've been writing this story since I was 16 years old. I have a CoAuthor who wasn't part of it much for Part I and II but helped out, he decided to put his full effort into part III, and we both have amazing plans for what's to come, alot of Stories are to come... I would read all the parts as best as you can as a lot of it is going to all come together, The Walking Dead Unleashed, is a spin-off that will Explain The CAF and IMF a little more along with showing what happened to Eric when he was kidnapped in Part II. Get ready for one of the biggest Twists yet to come! Oh and stay tuned for the TV Show!


I am planning one of the biggest stories with Part III. I appreciate all the support for everything. Me and the CoAuthor Noah are truly working hard to make this the best 30 Sections Yet! Are You Ready to Find Out More about the CAF-Cuban Armed Forces and what they have been up to with the IZC? Or what happens to Eric when he gets kidnapped? Read the book!!!!!!
          Wanna be a part of it? And be featured as your Very Own Character Hit me up! 


Hey there ! 
          The walking dead our universe is just like what I wanted.
          Its my type. 
          Nive work 
          If you are interested then try my book too 
          It may be seem childish but actually logical.


@Erenshaie thank you! I appreciate that! And I will!


Hello @AlmonBarylski !
          I just found your account and I can’t wait to read your work . 
          If your interested in reading new books please check out my book I just published the first few chapters of it . 
          I wish for you to enjoy it with reading it , XX !
          CLICK HERE TO READ : 


@TheMidWriter ofc I'm interested! Thank you I appreciate it Alot! 


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


@unfinished_sentenc_ Thank you and when I can definitely!