
Hey you guys!!!!!! I hope you all check out the newest book I have, it's the first book in my 2p! Series! :) 2pAmerica is first, and 2pEngland will probably be next...*wink wink*


Heyyy, I hope you remember me! I'm the author for Mephistos Precious Black Beauty :) I've started updating it again, and thought maybe you'd be interested it reading again? ^•^ you don't have to of course:) sorry for bothering you if I have, have I nice day! 


@XxLizziexLullabyxX ahhh, thats great! Thank you so much :) haha. Ive been trying to all of my old followers back haha:) i miss having all of you guys commenting and connecting with you all! ^•^


@XxLizziexLullabyxX  it has been a while, so i'll have to start from the begining, but i'll be more than happy to read this story :)