
"IF YOUR NOT A CHICKEN PUT ON ANBODYS PROFILE THAT HAS MADE YOU SMILE AND SEE WHAT THE RATE YOU!!!! (1) Crazy (2) I'd marry you. (3) I'd date you. (4) Sarcastic. (5)I miss you. (6) I'd kiss you . (7) Beautiful. (8) Smart (9) Imagintve . (10) Random. (11) Jerk . (12) Funny (13) awesome. (14) amazing . (15) tough . (16) cute . (17 I'd hit you with a bus . (18)I love you . (19) Weirdo . (20) Friends forever . (21) Marry me? (22) Your mine! (23) I never want to loose you ♥ " lol XD


Hey welcome to Wattpad XD
          This place can be soooo much fun!!
          Hey if you have any questions or just was to chat pm me or when I am online IM me(But in order to IM me you have to be a fan over that person... which is a really pain sometimes)
          Hey have fun... and beware you are most likely going to be attacked by girls. Just a head up