It's always been the same for me, finding a quiet sanctuary within the inviting arms of a pen and paper, or a laptop with the proper writing software. I value my writing, my poems, my stories as I would value myself and my own life. My stories, my characters and my words written down are a part of me one way or another, all of these are like family and friends to me; like my real family and friends that I love and cherish. My true wish for my stories is to convey them properly, in a way that my words deserve. I don't want them to be misunderstood, I don't want them to be the object of confusion. I want solely for them to be presented to the word in a manner of which they have the rights to. In a loving, carefully constructed manner that will inspire even the smallest group of people to develop a love for the characters in the stories. It has always been my biggest dream to be able to create something that people love to see, that people will follow, that people will treat as their own treasure. Something that will inspire people to do their best, to help them through whatever depression they are going through or something that will make them happy no matter what. These are my dreams and how I feel about my stories, my writing... this is me.
  • Singapore
  • JoinedNovember 2, 2013


Story by Andrea
Just Ashes by AidenAzeri
Just Ashes
A short story of loss, and love. What isn't, these days?