
My Wifi is finally working!!!!! So now I can update and stuff (not that anyone besides Dasien actually cares). Yeah that's all I guess... Bye *vanishes*


GUYS!!! i HAVE AWESOME NEWS! Okay... you ready?? Okay... I'm writing a story!! I know  you think that I'm only saying this now but when the time comes I won't post it but this time I swear I will. Seriously! I swear in the name of Chris Wood  that I will post my story in the coming week or so. Its gonna be a one-shot so I'm really excited to post it. I hope you guys like it and all :D okay I'm gonna go now.


I'll stop the whole world, I'll stop the whole world from turning into a monster, and eating us alive! 
          Gah! I remember the first time I heard this song it was 2011 (I guess) and I couldn't get it out of my damn head... :)