
So I've got some bad news and some good news. I'll tell you guys the bad news first because I want to leave you guys on good note. I'll be on break for about a month and half to get all my books together and figure out what I'm going to do with them The good news is that I'm going to try and bring back Bad Cupid because while looking back at all the comments some ya'll seemed to like it so I'll fix it up and bring some updates to y'all. Also I'm thinking about changing the name of DITRW to something that fits the book more.


Jesss! Logged onto wattpad and I was casually stalking the people I follow and I stumbled upon you. Can we take a second to appreciate the awesomeness of your name? Marhs Bars is Queen? My life is complete. I love you <3. x
          ps: you spelled Marhs wrong... it's Mahrs :$ hahah


@xXMopelXx Hey!! You were "casually" stalking people. I think I come on here to do that way to often. Yes, we can take a second to appreciate how awesome my name is just like the person it's named after. I don't remember when I changed it but I remember it was because of your Queens Bey  references you were making in your bio.


So I've got some bad news and some good news. I'll tell you guys the bad news first because I want to leave you guys on good note. I'll be on break for about a month and half to get all my books together and figure out what I'm going to do with them The good news is that I'm going to try and bring back Bad Cupid because while looking back at all the comments some ya'll seemed to like it so I'll fix it up and bring some updates to y'all. Also I'm thinking about changing the name of DITRW to something that fits the book more.