
Contest! Contest! Contest!
          	Writing Contest!
          	Rules and requirements:
          	- Must be a new work overall
          	- At least 1000 words
          	- Must be completely original, not a fanfic
          	- Must be submitted soon so I can review them.
          	- Tell me you are joining
          	- Be part of the club (you know if you know)


I am completely okay with anything violent and dark (I think all those violent nature documentaries paid off) but I would recommend adding in a warning or label of somesort.


Weird question, does it have to be like PG or something slightly friendly and okay? I'm just asking in case I want to write about something... really quite dark and disturbing.


Not really just as soon as time permits. Probably before April


Contest! Contest! Contest!
          Writing Contest!
          Rules and requirements:
          - Must be a new work overall
          - At least 1000 words
          - Must be completely original, not a fanfic
          - Must be submitted soon so I can review them.
          - Tell me you are joining
          - Be part of the club (you know if you know)


I am completely okay with anything violent and dark (I think all those violent nature documentaries paid off) but I would recommend adding in a warning or label of somesort.


Weird question, does it have to be like PG or something slightly friendly and okay? I'm just asking in case I want to write about something... really quite dark and disturbing.


Not really just as soon as time permits. Probably before April


To the Writers Wattpad Club~
          Though I am unable to make a club on Wattpad, this group will always be there. We can work together on a Collab, share our stories and review each other's works.
          Adding onto the reviewing, I am looking for a beta reader to help me. Beta-readers review the works and suggest changes or what they do not understand. Beta-readers are essentially the first to read the work.
          As well as this, I would be willing to do the same to you.
          Back to the Writers Wattpad Club, I wish you all happy writing!
          ((Now, can someone ping Some_Person5 in the comments? I find myself unable to at the moment)).


Again the link doesn't work.


Sorry for the link. And apparently, it doesn't pop up under 'Achlys': #The Tale of Achlys


I would love that! I am still working on my new story (big surprise), but you could go ahead and check 'The Tale of Achlys', It isn't the best as it needs editing. It is #2 under Achlys so you can search that up. If possible, comment on whatever paragraphs that have an error (ex: change their to there) and at the very bottom more like suggestions (ex: I would love it if...).


Hello everyone out there, though I know that there is virtually no one to read this, I want to tell you all that you can.
          You have many potentials, may that be art, writing, thinking... there are things that you can do.
          So next time you look at the blank paper with no ideas and think you can't.
          Don't turn away from the paper, but focus on it. Think you can, and show you can.
          Because you can, you could do anything.