
Just got a bunch of DVDs, so at times when my connection is slow and I'm unable to watch a movie on (insert streaming service) I'll be using them.
          	Now I do have some series so if that option wins then the next few chapters will, hopefully, be written about all the movies I have in the series. Also I should note that I don't have the complete series of any of the movies I have (save for Hitman's Bodyguard, Bad Boys, Rush Hour, Ghostbusters and MIB [mainly because my family don't count the female Ghostbusters and MIB 4]) but I am working on getting the rest of the series.
          	How will decide which movie to write on? Simple, majority vote. The film or series with the most votes will be the one the next chapter is about. In the event of a tie then there will be a tie breaker


Just got a bunch of DVDs, so at times when my connection is slow and I'm unable to watch a movie on (insert streaming service) I'll be using them.
          Now I do have some series so if that option wins then the next few chapters will, hopefully, be written about all the movies I have in the series. Also I should note that I don't have the complete series of any of the movies I have (save for Hitman's Bodyguard, Bad Boys, Rush Hour, Ghostbusters and MIB [mainly because my family don't count the female Ghostbusters and MIB 4]) but I am working on getting the rest of the series.
          How will decide which movie to write on? Simple, majority vote. The film or series with the most votes will be the one the next chapter is about. In the event of a tie then there will be a tie breaker