
I'm actually thinking of making short stories. Depending on if you guys like them I may continue them. Also I have not forgotten about A Change in the Tide it's just taking time. I will try to write and post hopefully by Friday. Have a lovely day my little shadows.(:


Hi beautiful(: I'm just a creepin like you taught me too. Haha well I'm I was on here to update my story and thought I would check out how you were doing. I hope someday we both have free time this summer and we can just sit in the grass and think about ideas and just chill and relax. I really need a day like that lol. Anyway love you foxyy ttyl! :)


I'm actually thinking of making short stories. Depending on if you guys like them I may continue them. Also I have not forgotten about A Change in the Tide it's just taking time. I will try to write and post hopefully by Friday. Have a lovely day my little shadows.(:


I'd like to thank you guys for getting ghost stories over a hundred reads! It means alot to me that you enjoy those little stories.(: Also on another more school and life have kept me so busy I could really only update the Ghost Stories, and A Change in the Tide I have writers block on but I have been adding on little by little and will try to get that updated sometime in the near future. Thank you guys so much and stay lovely on this Sunday. ♡


Updated Ghost Stories! It has two stories in one.(: I will also try to update A Change in the Tide later this week since it has fifty votes and since the reads keep going up.
          The Forbidden Lands will also be updated later this week as well. I thank you guys for your support it means the world to me!<3 Keep up the awesomeness and support for the books and stories! Keep reading!^_^