
Hello all of you amazing readers out there! I have just updated the newest instalment in my Horror/Romance book 'The House of the Past' which involves finally meeting HIM... Anyway, please go and give it a read and throw a comment my way to tell me what you think and what you may want to see more of in the future. 


Hello all of you amazing readers out there! I have just updated the newest instalment in my Horror/Romance book 'The House of the Past' which involves finally meeting HIM... Anyway, please go and give it a read and throw a comment my way to tell me what you think and what you may want to see more of in the future. 


Hello all of you wonderful readers out there, as promised I have posted up a new chapter of 'The House of the Past' which I'm sure you will all love, especially if you're into paranormal horror/thriller/romances. So please, if you don't mind, give it a go, have a read and let me know what you think :) Even give it a vote if you feel it is deserving of one as it will really help me get that extra foot forward in my 2015Wattys nomination. 


Good evening all (or for those who are not currently snug up in bed like us Aussies, good day), as you may hopefully know by now I have entered two of my works into the 2015 Wattys. 
          The two I decided to enter are both vastly different but they are both two which I feel quite strongly for and therefore will be more likely to fight for and defend if needed. .. Also I am just more likely to update quite often, which is always a good thing hahaha...
          The first of the two, 'The Lonely Soul' is my one and only (thus far) Doctor Who fanfiction, which includes spoilers, featuring Rose Tyler when certain circumstances arise that put fair distance between her and the Doctor. 
          The second is an original work that is currently unfinished but being updated regularly which is my new Horror/Paranormal story of a girl who makes the very wrong decision of taking up her brothers' dare to enter a supposedly abandoned haunted house, and is now regretting her decision eight years later. 
          So if either of those sound even in the slightest bit interesting, I encourage you to please go and give em a go and maybe send through a vote, comment, or even tell your friends about it! I will be extremely thankful if so :) 
          Also the second thing I wanted to say was that I have decided to make, and hopefully try to stick to a new updating schedule that will hopefully not only keep me more active on here, but also keep me more passionate for my works in general. Its a win-win situation hahaha
          This new schedule will be an update on SOMETHING OR ANYTHING every Monday in hopes to kick of each and every one of your weeks with a new read :) 
          But anyway, all the best to you all wherever you may be and I am sorry for sending such a hefty message. 


Hey all, I was just wanting to let you all know I have entered two of my works (The Lonely Soul, and The House of the Past) in the Wattys 2015! :) it would be awesome if you could give them a read and maybe drop me a vote or two here and there? Please, it'll be a big help :) 


Hey Guys, it would really be awesome if you could possibly pleeaase go and check out my new story 'The House of the Past' and let me know what you think? :) I mean guys, I've managed to put up not just one, but two chapters tonight! How cool is that?! 
          I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
          Cheers! :) 