
Uhm I'm done with writing fanfiction.
          	Sorry I know I still had works in progress but I'm actually doing my own more professional projects now and am simply not that interested in writing fanfiction anymore. 
          	Still thanks for the years on the platform, I will keep my account and the stories up for those who did like them even if I don't anymore. And I might still respond to comments but i wont be active that mych anymore. Thanks for all the love and support over the years. Without this site I never would've fully dedicated time to developing my writing or even realized I could write stories people could not only tolerate but even get such investment they threatened to find my house on tiktok. 
          	Don't do that last part. Please.
          	But thanks- buh bye


@AGeekyBear I just read your saiouma fanfic titled I remember, and it was incredible, possibly the best fanfic I've ever read. I'm certain that you'll do great with whatever you choose to pursue. (I know, I'm a couple years late)


@AGeekyBear Please have a good life, and pursue your talent in writing. It’s really worth something, and if you ever write a book, I’ll read it.


@AGeekyBear you were a true blessing in the Danganronpa community! <3


Uhm I'm done with writing fanfiction.
          Sorry I know I still had works in progress but I'm actually doing my own more professional projects now and am simply not that interested in writing fanfiction anymore. 
          Still thanks for the years on the platform, I will keep my account and the stories up for those who did like them even if I don't anymore. And I might still respond to comments but i wont be active that mych anymore. Thanks for all the love and support over the years. Without this site I never would've fully dedicated time to developing my writing or even realized I could write stories people could not only tolerate but even get such investment they threatened to find my house on tiktok. 
          Don't do that last part. Please.
          But thanks- buh bye


@AGeekyBear I just read your saiouma fanfic titled I remember, and it was incredible, possibly the best fanfic I've ever read. I'm certain that you'll do great with whatever you choose to pursue. (I know, I'm a couple years late)


@AGeekyBear Please have a good life, and pursue your talent in writing. It’s really worth something, and if you ever write a book, I’ll read it.


@AGeekyBear you were a true blessing in the Danganronpa community! <3


Oh, I guess my account turned four yesterday. 
          That's cool I guess...(oh gosh I've spent nearly half a decade on fanfiction...)


@AGeekyBear That's so cool, that's something to be proud of


This calls for celebration! 


It's official. Once I'm done with I Remember I'm not writing fanfiction, at least not DR fanfiction anymore. It's not that I don't appreciate the amount of love and encouragement you guys have given me over the years, you've been kind to me it just has my original works now in development. I want to challenge myself with my writing further, something I feel at this time can only really be done with starting to create my characters, worlds, and stories outside of DR. While it's sad this is how it has to come to an end it's been a great journey. 
          I won't update I Remember much, I'm just much busier now than I used to be and I want to deliver quality, not quantity. But yeah just wanted to get the word out this isn't a dead account I guess? Thanks for all the tears in the mug (if you know, you know), and have a nice day.


@AGeekyBear This is late! But I wanted to wish you good luck on your other ventures. When I first started to read fan fiction I used to read your works a lot and I always looked up to you as an author. For reference I believe I discovered your works when I was in fifth or sixth grade and now I am in high school. While it is sad to see you go I know your future works will be amazing! (For those wondering this isn't my original account lol)


youve made amazing stories for this fandom, gl on your next writing adventures!! ^_^


@Unicorn36923 I won't delete them or anything, since I want people to reread the stories if they want to even if I fell out of love with them.