
Lastly, yes there is a cover change just a slight preview of what's to come, I can't wait for the new and I'd figure I'd give Miles a tiny break....


Hey guys this is my last and final post for the crow and the butterfly.....thank you sooo much to all of you who have kept up and followed me along on this crazy adventure.... it was much appreciated.... After this I believe I am free to start anew and go off on other adventures, some of which I may write others I may not.... also since I am free, I am also available to answer questions or take commentary of any kind.....Again I thank you all, you have no idea how much it means to me to have an audience....
          I bow my head as we turn the last and final page,


hey guys.... I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately, getting ready to go back to school + summer classes=
          Any who thank you for reading I've just posted the next five I hope u enjoy if you have any questions comments or concerns please feel free to notify me


hey guys wow happy summer everyone....-.-' i know I'm late to the game, however I just wanted to let you guys know that a cover is underway and I can't wait sooo excited!!!! lastly i haven't been slouching around I'll be sure to get u guys some more material and poems...
          ciao for now


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that most if not all of the media (YouTube videos/pictures) are the sole inspiration for those selected scenes, and characters.... other than that enjoy!!!!! Any comments/questions/concerns???? let me know and i will be happy to answer....