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pls the Kill My Doubt album is bussin sm rn
          	Kill Shot for sure the best song in this EP 


A Happy New Year to everyone and everybody!
          I'd have never expected to reach at least a 100 followers within 2022. Let alone make so many books that are actually being read. 
          I appreciate every single one of you for taking the time into reading that what I make. Whether it's KPop or the Dimitrescu. 
          2022 was a great year for me on Wattpad, considering the growth I made after quitting writing for 3 years. 
          This year will be just as great as 2023, there's so much I want to tell everyone with my stories. I want to inspire everyone whom may come across.
          I wish you all a healthy, fun and fresh start of 2023!
          And thank you SO MUCH for everything.


Hello everyone!
          I'm happy to say that after almost 4 months of writing Teach Me, it's finally been submitted in the 'FanFiction' category of the Wattys2022!
          And this for SURE will not be my last story. There are many more to come and I can't wait to share them all to each and every one of you! 


Not only happy, but also proud!


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Oh my God I can't believe this, my story Strangers just hit number 3 in Jauregui out of 2,02K stories! I am so happy that this is actually real, I never expected this to happen! Thanks for my readers and followers for helping me through some aweful shit. <3


@ furphy2001  Thanks, I am very happy about it!