
"Till This Blows Over" Chapter 1 is finally posted!


"Chapter 1 of TTBO is almost done." -Me, 12/12
          So about that...I'm still doing the editing on it lol. For the most part, it's done but I'm editing it like it was a first/second draft rather than a final. 
          Also, it may or may not have gotten much longer than initially intentioned by about an extra 2k words and ongoing. Originally I was only going for 5k to end it off though looks like that's not going to happen. At all
          This chapter might come out a bit later than intentioned.
          Even better, the prologue is probably going to have a rewrite. Probably not going to be anywhere near the same length lol. 
          I'll try posting Chap 1 by Wednesday.


After years of not being on this site, I have decided to try writing again. So far I only have one story is done (this being Escapism) but more will come!
          Stay tuned i guess. 
          Okay honestly, it'll probably be another few months before I post something but whatever lol


My Wattpad is messing up, ugh. Thank you for voting for Positive. Just to warn you, the further you read on, the more the characters are gonna cuss XD


Omg I love you XDD


@MultiplyxAndria_ More cursing the better that my motto 
