
I'm bored, why? Cuz the Wi-Fi doesn't want to give signal to my phone only while everyone else is chilling with WiFi.. 
          	So what did I do to ease my boredom you may ask? 
          	I'll give you choices:
          	A. I drew
          	B. Making a plot of a book
          	C. Ate
          	D. Drank
          	What is the correct answer? 
          	None of them ☺︎
          	I ripped out my double tooth cuz I'm bored ☺︎
          	I wonder..... What else I should do... 
          	Welp! WiFi is back so ig I'll just crap update one of my books
          	Anyway byeeeeeeeeee


I'm bored, why? Cuz the Wi-Fi doesn't want to give signal to my phone only while everyone else is chilling with WiFi.. 
          So what did I do to ease my boredom you may ask? 
          I'll give you choices:
          A. I drew
          B. Making a plot of a book
          C. Ate
          D. Drank
          What is the correct answer? 
          None of them ☺︎
          I ripped out my double tooth cuz I'm bored ☺︎
          I wonder..... What else I should do... 
          Welp! WiFi is back so ig I'll just crap update one of my books
          Anyway byeeeeeeeeee


What happens if a crab starts to walk forward........................ 


I'm bored :) 
          Idk which book to update, my id3as are dry
          Write block is a meanie


@1weirdpersondaweeb Writers block is awful. You gotta beat it with a shovel!


Few weeks left and it's graduation day! 
          Again, I just want to advance congratulate everyone who is schooling whether it's face to face, online class, homeschool, or modular! 
          Y'all did so great to get to this point, keep it up and I'm sure y'all ambitions will be in reach in the future! 
          And if your not schooling and focusing on your jobs, housework, ect. 
          I'm proud of every single effort you placed up until now and in the future! 
          May God give you all his blessings and love b-cuz u deserve it! 
          If your feeling down lately, you can always talk to your closest friend/family and me! Your not alone ♡
          Love y'all and take care of yourself! 
          -webbie (your awful author :> ) 


@1weirdpersondaweeb  congrats to you too!!(*^^*)//


@1weirdpersondaweeb and congratulations on graduation!!


Feelin kinda chill
          Might just update one of my stories
          But we dunno do we~~ :'>