
Sheesh this update was way bigger than I was expecting. Don’t think I’ll be rolling for Bunny Soda or Bunny Alice since I want to save gems for Summer and the Stellar Blade collab. Good luck to those looking to pull! BTW, how big did your team spike in combat power now that overload gear stats are factored into the stat? I think my main campaign team just went from 402k to 552k power LoL. Time to push hard campaign and Tribe Tower!


@0SRatz I got from 280k to 380 k now. I can actually push through from 26 to 30 in one sitting.


@0SRatz Lucky for us, they aren’t limited time


@0SRatz How was the current event for you? For me, it was AMAZING. Not only did we get fun minigames, but we also got an amazing story with Soda and Alice. I was really proud that Soda had gotten over what she was scared of, and decided to move forward, and improved herself during the event. What was your favorite part about the event?


@0SRatz The current chapter was AMAZING. Though, I was wondering since we do meet Scarlet again in future chapters in Nikke, will she also be included when you write those chapters down as well?


@0SRatz Well, at least we can rely on Snow White for now. We definitely done for when she turns lol


Definitely planning on it. It’s going to be interesting thought. I know I hinted at Snow White’s personality shift but I plan for that to kick in much later so she can keep her companions in line for now. Plus for her case I plan to do something quite different in order to better resonate with her character. 


Sheesh this update was way bigger than I was expecting. Don’t think I’ll be rolling for Bunny Soda or Bunny Alice since I want to save gems for Summer and the Stellar Blade collab. Good luck to those looking to pull! BTW, how big did your team spike in combat power now that overload gear stats are factored into the stat? I think my main campaign team just went from 402k to 552k power LoL. Time to push hard campaign and Tribe Tower!


@0SRatz I got from 280k to 380 k now. I can actually push through from 26 to 30 in one sitting.


@0SRatz Lucky for us, they aren’t limited time


Finally done with the semester, so I can finally get backed to focused on writing. So far I have around 1/3 of the next chapter done at around 9000 words. Definitely looking forward to getting it in before the end of May. 
          BTW how did everyone do on the For the King mini game? My current high score is 28005 points on the challenge stage. 


@0SRatz Hard to get past 7k in FTK


@0SRatz Looking forward for the next chapter. 


@0SRatz Looking forward to reading the next chapter. As for the For the King Minigame, My High Score is 38,224 for the Challenge Stage


@0SRatz I was wondering what chapter of the main story you were on? Also, how did you like the current event?


@0SRatz Same honestly. The devs really weren’t joking when they said that this event was about making a new history. Red ash was the first anniversary event of the game that I played (I missed the overzone event) and it was really amazing for me. I’m also on chapter 18 as of now.


Already done with main story. Also I think this new event is one of the best we’ve ever had, Red Ash is still my personal favorite due to lore significance.