
I had no clue you posted another story! You should have told me so I could have went  and read it! ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ


@Honey_Girl10 Thank you so much. But I still owe you, you gave a shout out that help me so much. And still you are a great inspiration, you where the person that inspired me to write.


@01LilyBell10 Nooo! Please don’t thank me! And you owe me absolutely nothing! Your book is the reason y people are reading it bc of your style and the amazing writing you provide! Those 1k viewers didn’t come from me they came from your talent that people need to see when it comes to writing!♥︎♥︎


@Honey_Girl10  Hello, how are you. I just want to thank you for all the support you have gave me and my book. Now that is to you I have 1k viewer.
            Thanks so much!!! You are such a great person, I owe you so much.