
i feel like wattpad wants me to hate it??
          	i’ve been on this app for ten years (i’m not proud of that btw) and the ads just keep getting worse and worse like they really have an ad at the bottom of your screen… WHILE YOU READ?! 
          	i’m so done with this app i really hate it


i feel like wattpad wants me to hate it??
          i’ve been on this app for ten years (i’m not proud of that btw) and the ads just keep getting worse and worse like they really have an ad at the bottom of your screen… WHILE YOU READ?! 
          i’m so done with this app i really hate it


hi honey!
          just published this new fanfic with Sebastian Stan inspired in the Disney movie ‘Lady and the Tramp’
          it would mean the world to me if you couldn’t go check it out and give some support and love :)
          kisses, samantha 
          the book:


Oiioii, tudo bem? Espero que sim! Vim divulgar minha nova fanfic e espero que goste. Aqui você encontrará: Nialee; Larry; Shawnmila; Jaylor e Zaylena. 
          Desculpe o incômodo e obrigada pela atenção <3 