
this message may be offensive
 Smh y'all straight leave a nigga on read shit annoying ._.


Yk what today is 
          Exactly 1 month since the first day we met
          When we first met it was like food love at first sight ((: nahh let me stop. Foodbuds you mean so much to me. I'm so happy that I met you. I really don't ever want to loose you. Nobody has ever had my back like you have. You've let me cry on your shoulder, brag about things, and much more. Ik that there's nothing possible that can ever change this close friendship bond that we have. We both have had our share of relationship problems and I think that's why we're so close. We know how to deal with things like this. We help each other out. Especially when the same thing happened to our moms ooa. We both helped each other through that. We we're there for each other. And I don't think I can find that out of anyone I talk to.❤❤✊
          Yours truly
          ~ your foodbuds