
um... i think... i think I'm going to leave this app
          	I'm not active here anyways
          	it's been an interesting ride lol
          	to minnie, imy so so so so much and I wish I could speak to you again
          	but I think I'm starting to accept that we may never talk again
          	i hope you're healing and you're healthy, i hope you're happy and enjoying yourself and I hope you're surrounded by people who care about you
          	i wish you all the best in your life and hope you enjoy it
          	if you happen to ever return, if you want, you can message my insta which is (gyuslostbraincells) 
          	i love you lots and I wish you nothing but happiness <33333333


@Mokenz so at the moment I can't tell if she's okay or not T-T cus I can't contact her 


um... i think... i think I'm going to leave this app
          I'm not active here anyways
          it's been an interesting ride lol
          to minnie, imy so so so so much and I wish I could speak to you again
          but I think I'm starting to accept that we may never talk again
          i hope you're healing and you're healthy, i hope you're happy and enjoying yourself and I hope you're surrounded by people who care about you
          i wish you all the best in your life and hope you enjoy it
          if you happen to ever return, if you want, you can message my insta which is (gyuslostbraincells) 
          i love you lots and I wish you nothing but happiness <33333333


@Mokenz so at the moment I can't tell if she's okay or not T-T cus I can't contact her 


take care of urself, ily <33


@-gyuslostbraincells good <33 and dw I’ll try my best <3


@-LUNALEE i will :) you do as well, ilyt <33333


this message may be offensive
yk recently I've been realizing how absolutely stupid labels are. Like obviously no hate to those who like them and use them because if you like it that's cool and you should use them, but me personally I just don't like them.
          Like I get labels are supposed to be great and inclusive but at the same time they aren't great and inclusive and actually really just separate you more than if you didn't have any. Sure they separate you into a larger group or community but they separate you from everyone outside of that label. 
          Who cares if I'm straight or gay or bi, who cares if I'm cis or trans or demi, (I'm going to use lgbtq labels since it's 6am and that's the only thing my brain can think of rn) or if I'm ace or aro or both. I'm onyx, that's all that matters i don't need a label
          I think that's what I struggle with so much especially gender wise because I don't like labels and I don't feel like they fit. Girl, guy, demi,  nonbinary, gay, straight, bi, none of them fit because I'm just me and nothing else yk. I don't feel like I need one and I think lots of people nowadays get too comfortable with labeling ppl. Like if you like or do something that's different from the societal norms for your gender or race or community or whatever labels you qualify for ppl will label you as something different even when you didn't ask
          on top of that societal norms and stereotypes are things given to labeled groups. In order to fall into a stereotype you have to be labeled. But societal norms and stereotypes are stupid because lots of them are offensive or just too restricting. We should see ppl as people and not their labels. 
          and I no longer know where I was going with this but basically I hate labels. I'm me and that's all that matters. Fuck labels. Be you but don't tie yourself down with a label. Labels are restricting. Don't restrict yourself 
          Or do if you want. Because maybe labels aren't restricting to you. 
          I don't know. 


@Samiaworld exactly. Labels are so restricting and in imo there's no need to restrict yourself. Just be you because it's you that matters not the labels.


            As someone who has gone unlabeled for the past month, this is legit one of the reasons I ended up placing no labels on myself. It's restrictive in a way, used by people in our age because they feel that they HAVE to have a label in order to fit in, or that a label is needed to be accepted into society when in reality, our happiness in ourselves is all that matters. 
            Yes it's different for everyone, but this is my opinion, in which I do agree with yours. 


also daylight savings time ending is so trippy. My body is telling me what time it is but my eyes see differently. It's throwing me off T-T