
Hi! I feel super bad having to say this, but I'm not able to do anything on this account. I'm not able to answer my PMs, I'm not able to vote on anyone's books, and I'm not able to update my book. I don't know why; it's probably some sort of glitch. So, I'm going to be using my old account @bluesorbet, so if you're doing a read-for-read with me, or you want to read my stories, follow me on there! To all those people I have to do a read for read with - PM me on there so that I can read your books. (I'm not able to access my PMs on here) Sorry xx


@madedaze  hey it's this account!


@-bluesorbet Hey! I can't find that account! PM me from whichever account you're on so I can find you :)


Hi! I feel super bad having to say this, but I'm not able to do anything on this account. I'm not able to answer my PMs, I'm not able to vote on anyone's books, and I'm not able to update my book. I don't know why; it's probably some sort of glitch. So, I'm going to be using my old account @bluesorbet, so if you're doing a read-for-read with me, or you want to read my stories, follow me on there! To all those people I have to do a read for read with - PM me on there so that I can read your books. (I'm not able to access my PMs on here) Sorry xx


@madedaze  hey it's this account!


@-bluesorbet Hey! I can't find that account! PM me from whichever account you're on so I can find you :)


          Firstly, to those of you who want an update for Deeper Than The Ocean, I'm very sorry. I really like the story and I would love to continue it someday, but I'm not really in a place where I can do it right now. It is a very dark story which touches on deep subjects that I'm not comfortable with righting right now because I'm not in the best place in my life :) I want writing to be an escape, not make me feel worse, so I'm really sorry! I'm working on a w=lighter story which I'll publish soon.
          Thank you to whoever took the time to read my story! I hope you understand. <3


@-bluesorbet Good on you for being able to make the choice to put yourself first. I look forward to reading whatever it is you decide to pursue ♡ I hope that everything is okay with you also xx


@-bluesorbet well, i'm ready to read anything you write, so go ahead. and of course i understand.