
I do not use this account very often anymore. Please feel free to check out my newer account @XxSadLittleAngelxX were I will be posting a new story called Quite Little Monsters


I was reading over my old work for Flames Angered and realized Lex sounds very old for about 8 years old. I like to think this is because she had to grow up a bit faster than other kids, feeling negative emotions like anger and abandonment. 
          What do you guys think, does she act too grown up for her age?


Heya! How R U?
          Gotta admit... I'm pretty impressed by ur icon and header! DEATH IS AWESOME! xD


Too soon XD


 HAHA same! He's so awesome lol or was XD 


Hey! I'm good, what about you? I totally agree the icon and header are amazing and Death has to be one of my favourite 'Evil' (if you can even call him that) characters of all time XD