
I've started my Max Vandenburg re-write as I have just watched the film again and am currently re-reading the book and have been inspired once again.


To add onto my last post where I listed possible future fics....... I am SERIOUSLY considering writing multiple Band Of Brothers fics.
          For now those include:
          Eugene Roe
          Ronald Speirs
          Joseph Liebgott 
          Might add more to this later but those 3 are the main ones.


Also, since I am probably going to discontinue both my stories, I will probably start drafting some of the other fics I've wanted to write for a while now. 
          Stay tuned for these characters!!!:
          Din Djarin/The Mandalorian from Star Wars
          Poe Dameron from Star Wars
          Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders
          Jack Frost from Rise Of The Guardians
          Possible future fics that I don't have ideas for yet but wanna write are:
          Don Dawson from Dazed and Confused
          Benny O'Donnell from Dazed and Confused
          David Wooderson from Dazed and Confused
          Daniel Desario from Freaks and Geeks
          Pele from Midsommar
          Fezco from Euphoria
          Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2
          Seth Cohen from The OC
          Kiwoo from Parasite
          Yes some of these are kinda ridiculous but I love these boys so I don't really care how ridiculous writing a fic for them would be.


Both my fics are officially on hold as I decide what to do with them. I REALLY wanna finish my Max fic but it may need a huge re-write before I can do that. My Giver fic however is more than likely going to be discontinued but I have still not decided yet. If you want to know my reasons for these stories being on hold I have an update on my Giver fanfic that mostly explains it for both stories (aside from my last reason listed, that does not apply to Max Vandenburg)


So I just saw Five Feet Apart.
          1. GO WATCH IT! This movie is so important for so many reasons, mainly CF awareness but also because Claire Wineland, a beautiful angel who had CF helped make this movie  by being a consultant on it. Her efforts deserve to be seen. RIP Claire


I’m so glad I found you (I found you because of your Chris Summers story). I saw your username and knew I’d love you. My mom was born in Canada and I love Kpop. Mainly TopDogg, though I love BTS as well. I’m really into Korean shows right now, Goblin, Blood, Doctor Stranger. I haven’t read anything yet but I’m excited to.


Also, I’m a Hufflepuff as well