
          	Chapter 3 of Part 1 is finally released, also I decided to change the live interest due to the story making more sense to have Elena be the main girly for Patrick, so hope you not to mad :(


@dreammaster6 thanks man, I’ll see if I can download it!


@-Holgerson- great chapter yes to Elena  to be the main lI  should be slow burn. If you need help bouncing ideas of someone   dont heasidate  to reach out if you have discord my username  is dreamaster6. If dont it easy to to sign up 


          Chapter 3 of Part 1 is finally released, also I decided to change the live interest due to the story making more sense to have Elena be the main girly for Patrick, so hope you not to mad :(


@dreammaster6 thanks man, I’ll see if I can download it!


@-Holgerson- great chapter yes to Elena  to be the main lI  should be slow burn. If you need help bouncing ideas of someone   dont heasidate  to reach out if you have discord my username  is dreamaster6. If dont it easy to to sign up 


Okay I'm soooo nearly finished with this chapter of Moving on, which I know has taken me wayyyy to long.
          But just know it’s at the moment the longest chapter I’ve written! Whilst continuing this chapter though it's really made come to realise the chemistry between Patrick and Elena.
          I originally was planning for this to be an Elena fanfiction but thought that making her the love interest whilst she herself already has two (Damon and Stefan) would be really hard to actually give the two themselves enough scenes to actually form a romantic connection. So instead I chose Bonnie because my girl doesn't get the credit she deserves and with how the show treated her in the relationship department it would be very easy to make the two form a connection.
          But yet again this fanfiction is supposed to change somethings that I didn’t exactly like from the original show. These changes wouldn’t just be for my own enjoyment but I’ve also thought through them enough so these changes would make the world building and storyline of the vampire diaries universe flow better for the other books that I have planned for the brotherhood series and it also could create an easier possibility to make Elena the love interest!
           I don't want to spoil the changes I want to make, but I assure you one of the changes will be at a hilariously bad storyline involving Elena. (I also have other things that are just pet peeves of mine in the show as well).
          Please help me, because they're both such good choices :(


I would love an Elena love interest! It’s honestly hard to find good fics  for her


          The universe expands. Coming soon ‘Unshaken’.
          Expect chapter updates of Moving On before starting with this prequel book to the mysterious leader of the brotherhood OAH.


Continuing with Moving On and I’m deciding that Bonnie will be the overall endgame, there will most likely be other love interests but Bonnie will be the ultimate slow burn.
          I just don’t want to be a fanfiction where within the first season of the actual show the OC gets with the endgame love interest. 
          Next chapter is looking likely to be published within the next week, and look out for the new revamp of Cataclysm as well since that’s coming soon as well!


Good ideas, thank you! I can definitely see one of them being a minor love interest along the way (:


@-Holgerson- I think that good not wanting endgame love interest together right away keep mind you need to when they get together  weather it at end of season 1 or  season 4 Also includes  moments with  them throughout the season. and it also ok to have multiple love interest  as for other love interest Elena  or caroline or  katherine even Lexi I think lexi would make him  see not all vampire  supernatural creatures  are evil


Fun fact about me: when I get infatuations I get them hard.
          When I started Cataclysm it was at the height of my Twd obsession (still expect it to come back soon) when I made Moving On it was at the height of my TVD obsession (tbf still in it now).
          And now since the Live Action Avatar has come out l've started watching the cartoon all over again and now have a draft for a really cool idea but I'm too scared to publish the summary as I already have to other books to worry about. lol