
Waking up and realizing... 
          	I shouldn't have taken that last shot...


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I ain't ever been into slasher films like, I love movies with background stuff. Like in Pearl the house looking nice on the outside but as you dig deeper it's horrifying and rotting, ya know? I like symbolic stuff and what not so Pearl was... AMAZINGGGGGGG I loved it so much after I first watched it. I watched the whole credits bc I wanted more lmao. And then after watching like an explained video about Pearl, I learned X is a continuation of Pearl... The way I wiggled with horror happiness. AND the actor who plays Pearl, plays Pearl AND a young girl so it's basically Pearl looking into the eyes of her younger self. The one who wanted to be a star before it all went to shit. Like eeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm so happy, I'm wiggling (it's a stim so fight me. I watched a comedian who was autistic and he was like "It's like golden retriever energy, sometimes he just too overwhelmed and he wiggles" and like damn. AJ Wilkerson if ya curious the Captain Autism full comedy special, it was great fr fr


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AAAASAHHHHHHHHH I HATE SLASHER FILMS. I DONT WANNA CLICK PLAYYYYYYYYYYY, I GET STUPID SYMPATHY PAINS OR WHATEVER IT SUCKSSSSS. I'm a pussy (I am what I eat) I'm blocking the screen wwwwasaaaasaaaaaa it's ickyyy and gross and fucking ow


Now, I remember why I hate slasher films... It's such a great movie though... Waaaaa also omg iconic scream that's where it came from


Not me crying over technoblade, I have not watched 1 of his videos, but his community is just so full of love. And his poor dad, he was so young. Ugh. May his youtube videos keep him alive forever. Gone but damn he won't ever be forgotten, not even by someone who didn't really know of him.


Watching lady bird for the first time and trying not to cry bc I could have had teenage love, but absolutely refused too. Sometimes ya just wish you were someone else ya know? Not have your sexuality and just to be able to be someone else? I wish I had the rushed heart of teenage love but also sometimes it looks like it sucks too. WHAT IF I GET CHEATED ON? I DONT WANNA CRY OVER SOMEONE but love can't exist without vulnerability and... idk I'd I can do that  nooo eeeeeee÷eee I don't wanna be that like esesew××wwwwww