The next day

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The next morning we woke up and Maddie was all happy. Mackenzie woke up crying. "I had the worst dream ever! Mom shot herself!" Mackenzie said "I had the same exact dream!" Maddie said. "Girls it wasn't a dream I know you guys will miss her a lot. But don't worry Me, Randi, and Sienna will move in to your house and take care of you" My mom bud in. They both start crying, it was an emotional morning we fly back to Pittsburgh tomorrow with out Melissa.
*3 hours later*
We go out to eat at Ground Round and go to The Mall of America just to get all of our minds cleared. Let me tell you we shopped until we dropped! We went to Pink, Abercrombie, Hollister, Lulu Lemon, Ivvia, Forever 21, Tilly's, and much more that I can't name! I still don't understand how we all afforded it! We got stopped by a lot of fans and they kept asking who I was and why Maddie had a broken arm we made up a fake story so we didn't sound dumb...After we shopped we are and went and checked us out of the hospital and went back to the hotel we originally were in before the hospital. We started packing up our things and went to bed so we could hit the airport early the next day. I couldn't wait for this week is move out of my junkie old house and in to a huge perfect one with my soon to be sisters and I get to Abby Lee's and I hope she likes my mom just as much as Melissa!

The day I met Maddie and MackenzieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora