The Plan

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"Anne you really must start getting ready! Do you have your ribbons?" Asked her stress stricken mother.

"Yes Mother, don't fret. I'm completely and utterly ready for the ball." Replied Anne in a snarkish tone.

The Plactian Ball occurred only once a year and was one of the most well known events in all of England. The ball was always packed with close to 500 hundred families. The important part was you had to be hand picked by the royal family themselves. It was quite an exclusive event and required the utmost attention from those who planned on attending. 

 Anne was working on her hair. It was pinned in a tight bun with beautifully placed jewels embedded throughout her dark brown hair. She decided to leave two small curled strands in front to accentuate her deep blue eyes. 

Anne was preparing to place the baby pink ribbons around her waist when she had heard a knock on the door. It was her mother. She walked in, and handed her a small parcel.

"Mother? What is this?" Exclaimed Anne.

"My dear child, you have no clue what this night could mean to your father and I, possibly even our whole bloodline."

"Mother, that is no reason to give me a parcel."

"Oh just open it child."

As Anne cautiously opened the small package it revealed an exquisite necklace. It was delicately lined with pearls encompassed with gold lining. Anne couldn't believe what was given to her.  

"Mother ... I... I ... I can't possibly accept such a gift." She declared as she set the priceless piece of jewellery on her desk.

"How ungrateful! I give you my most precious heirloom and you dare to decline! Besides it will look magnificent with your gown" Snapped Anne's Mother.

The young girl sighed and hugged her mother with the intent of showing her gratitude in another form other than words. She placed the necklace around her bare neck and looked in the mirror.

It really is quite stunning. Why would my Mother give me such an important piece of her life though? It must be part of her plan, right?

As Anne's Mother began to walk out of her room, she caught a glimpse of her eye; there was a malicious sparkle to it. Anne had only seen this look once or twice and both of the situations ended quite poorly. She sat on her bed and looked up at the pale pink canopy and imagined the night that lay before her. The tight brown curls placed perfectly, the thick pale pink dress embroidered with lace flowers, that she had longed to wear even since it had arrived a few days earlier, and now the necklace. 

The necklace was bound to cause an uproar amongst the other ball goers. Anne desired to see the disdain look of jealousy over the other girls in the room. She wanted to be the center of attention, this is the only way the plan would work. 

Time had flown by until the young lady was called at.

"Darling! Come down here at once the carriage has arrived!" Shouted her Mother.

Anne quickly gathered her belongings and her thoughts as she raced down the stairs, trying not to ruin anything. As she stepped into the carriage she felt the tension rise significantly between her mother, father and herself. 

Her Father's cold blue eyes lay resting on his fingers, which tapped restlessly against his leg.

 Anne peered over to her Mother only to see her staring straight at the fine jewelery laying on her neck. Anne held her breath trying not to move or cause any unwanted actions that might be deemed rude or unlady like. 

Anne always felt restricted within her family. She also knew when she had to walk on eggshells. This moment was one of them. 

A few hours had passed and the carriage still had another five hours left on their journey to the Plactian Ball. The sky had begun to turn shades darker as the day progressed. Anne started to become worried about the task that she must complete by that night.

"Mother... Father, will you please explain this plan again so I know exactly what to do?" Anne muttered.

"Yes, it is quite simple either you marry him or our family goes into shambles because of your failure." Hissed her Father.

"Oh Tomas, you are too harsh. Anne my dear, my only daughter. Listen close and listen well. You must first approach him with and sweep him off his feet from the first look. Then wait for him to ask you to dance. This is crucial Anne! Then you must not let him meet another other ladies tonight, or it could lead to him leaving. My child you must realize what is at stake. If this doesn't go well our family will have to become servants and that includes YOU! As a family you are now the only hope that we have to save our name and rise from the dirt, and return to the riches and life of elegancy that we deserve!" The Mother bellowed, as tears formed in her eyes.

"Mother but what if I don't want to do this. Isn't this my life, besides what if something bad happens in the future? I also don't even want his wealth. " Anne remarked.

"Nothing will happen, don't think like that. Anne, we need you to do this, for the family!" Her mother shrieked.   

Let me know if I should continue! :)

Thank you for reading!!

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