Old Flames: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Aaron held his breath as Lainie and Chris walked across the street.  Chloe, oblivious to the tension in the air, continued to romp around one of Aaron's massive oaks with Bowser.

"Hey," Lainie called as they neared, gifting him with a tremulous smile.  She looked down at Chis with wide eyes and nudged her head a little.  The little boy's face burned red, but he marched over to his sister with determination.

"I'm sorry," he said, small voice as shaky as an avalanche vibrating a whole mountainside.  "I don't think you're a dumb old girl."

Aaron had to turn his head to hide his grin.  He heard Chloe answer, "But I am a girl..."

Lainie interrupted, "I think what your brother means is that you can do anything you want, whether you are a boy or a girl.  Right, Chris?"

Aaron looked back just in time to see Chris nod his head, relaxing around his thin shoulders.  Chloe pursed her little baby doll mouth and said, "Well...duh!  I already knew that."  Then she dimpled the cutest smile and said, "Maybe Mr. Fireman will let us build the doghouse now."

Chriss looked first at his mother, then he scuffed his toe on the ground again.  "Um...Mr. Dozier," he said,  "Can Chloe and me help you with your dog house?"

Three pairs of the same hazel eyes blinked questionly at him.  How could he say no to that?  Even his dog turned on a pathetic gaze.  He was such a sucker, and he wouldn't have it any other way.  Aaron smiled and nodded.  "I would love some help.  I was wondering how I would be able to do it by myself.  It's a big job.  Are you sure you're up to it?"

Chris nodded eagerly.  Aaron glanced at Lainie for her reaction.  She was watching her children with a small, pleased smile, and he found himself echoeing that expression.  Chloe clapped enthusiastically at her brother and hugged Chris. The boy's face turned rosy red. 

"I love you, bubba," Chloe said, and Aaron got a little choked up.

Two hours later, Aaron and Lainie relaxed on his back deck, sipping glasses of iced tea, while the kids bickered like kids do.  Bowser had a new doghouse -- painted pink, thanks to Chloe "accidentally" mixing the red and white paints together in the same bucket.  "It's prettier this way," she said as she slapped a paintbrush on the side, spattering droplets of a color so feminine Aaron almost gagged at the sight of it. 

"Bowser is a boy, dummy," Chris said from the other side of the little house.  "Boys don't like pink."

"Mr. Fireman does," Chloe returned in a snooty, all-important tone.  "He wore a pink shirt yesterday."

"That wasn't yesterday," her brother shot back as he dipped his still-soaked brush in the bucket again.  "And besides, Mama said the shirt was pink because he doesn't know how to wash his clothes."

Aaron choked on an ice cube, and Lainie patted his back while murmuring something like an apology.  He didn't catch what Chloe said next.  When his windpipe was clear, he turned his gaze to the woman beside him.  "Did you really tell them that?"

"Well...not that phrase exactly," she answered, looking away, but a funny smile played on the corners of her lips.

"What exactly did you say?"

She shrugged and hesitated.  "Just that...you mixed up your colors because you don't have a girl to help you with your laundry."

He stared at her.  "And here you were, just a this morning, preaching equal rights to Chris.  Boys know how to do laundry, too."

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