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Emma's POV

I got home and started to think about anything and everything, just as I do every night before I go to bed. Prom is coming up, even better because it's my SENIOR prom. I had always planned on going with Hunter and being the prom queen while he is the prom king. Well looks like I'm shit out of luck there, and I personally don't care! Oh, I rhymed.

Anywho, I'm kinda hoping Justin will ask me. I don't think he has ever been to a school dance, not even homecoming. He HAS to go to prom, its senior year. Maybe I can have Amber talk to him about asking me, she's good with shit like that. I took out my phone and texted her,

To: Sassy Amber

Hayyyyyy wanna do my a favor?

From: Sassy Amber

Do I really have a choice?

Oh she knows me so well.

To: Sassy Amber

No, you don't hahah. But anyways, do you think Justin will ask me to prom? I mean Hunter is obviously out of the question...

From: Sassy Amber

Are you implying that you want me to talk to him and ask him if he wants to go with you, and then when he says yes you wand me to help him come up with a creative way to ask you, am I right?

She pretty much took the words out of my mouth.

To: Sassy Amber

Well, yeah pretty much.

From: Sassy Amber

Of course I will talk to him :) now shut up I'm going to sleep. Love you :)

To: Sassy Amber

Thank you :) love you too :)

I put my phone down and turned off my light, getting ready to doze off into my own little world.

Justin's POV

After Emma dropped me off I went straight up to my room. My mom and Jazzy were already asleep I'm guessing since I didn't get bombarded as I walked through the door.

Emma's picking me up for school again tomorrow. I really need to get my own car so that I can actually drive her for once. I'm a lot more comfortable around her now, and not as shy. She doesn't judge me, and she has her own little quirky moments just as I have mine, and she's not afraid to show me them. This is all just a dream come true to me, never in a million years did I think I would be in this position. Good things come to those who wait.

I haven't had to deal with Hunter over the past two days, which is amazing. I'm not scared of hi- well maybe I'm still a little scared. You would be too if you were in my shoes. Anywho, people have actually said hi to me in the halls now when I walk to class. I guess thats what you get when your holding hands and kissing the most popular girl in school as you walk her to class. Even though I've waited five years for this, I'm glad it is happening now. Senior year is the year your suppose to go out with a bang in. Then it's off to the big bad world of college. I haven't asked Emma where she want's to go to college. It would be totally epic if we went to the same one. If we ever have a relationship, going to the same college might make the relationship last years.

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