Things change.

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*uhhhh* My head was so dissy that i could'nt even lift it at the moment. "I see you are awake Austin, there's no reason to play asleep enymore." That voice, I've... I've heard it before. I looked up. A tall man in a black suit sat on a chair beore me and said. "I bet you remember my face," when he took of his shady glasses, i could'nt believe what I saw. "Yes i'ts me, I've been gone for five,six year's now? Whatever what matters is tha..." He said but got interrupted. "What the actually F**K happned to you?!" I shouted at him and felt a rage inside. "And why would my own brother knock me out and.... Whait! Where are the other's?!" Now i was nervous, I even started to sweat now that Jakob only sat there and said nothing. I was going to open my mouth when he said: "Things change, Austin, I'm sorry." I was still kinda mad at him becoase he never answered my question. "WHERE ARE THEY!!!" I Shouted at him and crawled up on the desk between us, when i crashed in a glass on the midlle. "And Austin." I looked up at him, even mader than two secons ago. "They are safe.... Trust me." Then he raised up from his chair, turned around, and walked out. Did'nt even look at me.

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