Chapter 45

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I wasn't positive I'd know how to get to Suho's house, but it was going to be fun to attempt. Once I'd gotten a block away from the dorm, I was thankful to see no one was going to follow me.

Blood rushed through my body as I kept my legs moving at a steady pace. I continued down the road, staying on the sidewalk or edge of the road in the absence of one.

I thought about the edge of the road- the edge. The knife that was so close to my heart, the tip bending slowly. Slowly.

After all, that was the way it was supposed to be. Right?

I'd been left alone too long. It'd been too long.

After all, it was never real.

End of story.

I wanted to be lifted up, but I always just fell down. He wasn't around anymore. Neither was my happiness.

That was my decision.

It started raining as my feet found their rhythm on the sidewalk pavement. It was getting harder to keep the pace and keep running, so I took a few seconds to walk and catch my breath before sprinting again.

I wasn't even sure what I was going to do when I got there.

I knew of Suho and Dae's house, but was closed off from the family situation. I guessed it was for the best of everyone that Dae found me before I could get too deep into their neighborhood.

Normally, I would have been embarrassed for falling apart in his arms. Today, I was thankful.

Slowly, we made our way through a few blocks of houses and walked up the porch of one. If I were in the right mind, I'd have made sure to note everything I could so I could return. All I knew was soon we were in a kitchen, a blanket was thrown over my shoulders, and Daehyun was putting something into his microwave.

If I had just made it there in one piece, by myself, I might have been able to congratulate him and leave. I had wanted to do that in the first place, but clearly wasn't an option anymore. Something was keeping me from wanting to do that. In my heart, I knew I wasn't going to leave until I talked to Suho as well.

Daehyun took a careful seat next to me at his kitchen's bar. He looked at me for a moment as I fiddled with his blanket in my icy hands.

He scratched the back of his head as he asked, "Do your brothers know you're here?"

I was quiet for a moment. "That doesn't really matter. It won't matter. Not in a thousand years, will that matter."

Slowly, his hand reached out over mine. "Is... is this about them?"

"No." I shook my head. "They did nothing."

He nodded. "Is it... him?"

I closed my eyes, and then shook my hands in the air. "Of course. Of course it's him. It's always him these days, isn't it?"

"Sujin, calm down," Dae begged. I cupped a hand over my mouth and wrapped the blanket tighter around me.

The microwave sounded, so he got up and grabbed something from it before opening a paper packet. I heard him sliding powder into the mug and stirring it. When he came back, he placed the mug of hot chocolate in front of me. I looked at it for a few moments.

"Please," he said, "you're freezing and wet."

I continued to look down. "Where are your parents?"

He shifted in his seat. "They're... not here."

I nodded, wondering if I should ask about Suho.

Then, after a few beats, I spoke. "I'm not mad at you, that's not why I raised my voice. I'm sorry, and thank you, Dae, for always being here. You're always here when I need you most."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now