You can do that???? Y/n before reincarnation file

729 18 7

Y/n's bio

Likes: Food Dislike: Everyone , but rapist are the ones he hates the most

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Likes: Food
Dislike: Everyone , but rapist are the ones he hates the most

Personality: A chill but serious demeanor Y/n would be the best voice of reason in a group of friends (if he had any) Y/n usually is seen with a backpack near him filled with food drinks and other snacks , rarely will he share food. Due to his upraising Y/n will openly say what he thinks about you no matter who you are, this causes a lot of fights but if provoked Y/n will beat the shit out of you( we ask for you to openly RUN if a situation would occur)

Overall Danger level?: A-
Gang: Tokyo mongers
Living Family members:

Gamer potential: 700/1000
Gamer application: Verified

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